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AR12759 Follow that AR!


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AR12759 continues its steady plod across the disk as it slowly decays.

Poor seeing at first, better late morning and then poor again after lunch.

10.37, 11,38,11.58,12.29 and 13.05 [all CET]

A nice overlying filament. A small patch of plage off to the west.


7.4.20 10.37.jpg

7.4.20 11.38 ar.jpg

7.4..20 11.58 ar.jpg

7.4.20 12.29 ar.jpg

7.4.20 13.05 ar.jpg

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More images from this afternoon: Continuing warm and sunny at 61F with very little wind today.
Seeing variable. The filament is giving different impressions of depth as it changes.

All images 640x480 in SharpCap, AS!2, ImPPG, coloured, cropped and enlarged to 500 in PhotoFiltre7.


7.4.20 13.58 ar.jpg

7.4.20 14.01 ar.jpg

7.4.20 14.23 ar.jpg

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Nicely caught, save me trying as cloud and wind here.

Still trying to make something of a prom time lapse I did a couple of days ago that got stuffed by the wind, started off with thirty frames and down to half a dozen now so probably not worth the effort 😂


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Thanks Dave.

I made crude, prom animation a little while back- Not impressive! :rolleyes2:

More fuzzy daubs:  Perhaps I should give them a canvas texture and pretend they are modern art? :grin:

7.4.20 14.59.jpg

7.4.20 15.09 ar.jpg

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