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Synscan AZ

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15861921228987184460689771939115.thumb.jpg.d49a082536a19f0e1f9e2e67cbf93212.jpgHi folks i just wanted a bit of info on my cordinates  for the synscan AZ the cordinates  I have are:

52*28'18.4"N 2*02'38.4"W

I've entered them in as 5228N 00238W is this correct?

After reading the manual it says for a beginner  you should use brightest star setting which I have. After this it asks to select a region i take it would be Northwest. Any help would be grateful or is there an easier way like two star. I've also included pictures to describe what I'm actually describing  about if that helps 15861922453431128760625154612573.thumb.jpg.ea62d3a1b4b352aea50fecc61fbc001c.jpg



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Hello and welcome to SGL. Your coordinates appear to be entered in the correct order and format. You can also select the 2-star alignment routine if you prefer. Ideally the stars should be either side of the meridian and about the same height above the horizon

from the manual:

It is recommended that the altitude of the two alignment stars are between 15 and 60 degrees and the deviation of altitude is between 10 and 30 degrees.
The azimuth deviation of the two alignment stars can be between 45 and 135 degrees, it is best to be close to 90 degrees.

synscan az.pdf


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Thanks for the prompt reply Cornelius and the warm welcome.  As you might tell I'm new to the astronomy world well three days in. One thing I have found very helpful so far has been your forums plus a handy app called Stellarium which shows the position of certain planets and stars in the night sky. 

I've started with the moon choosing  different eye pieces super 25mm wide angle then the 2x Barlow to get closer. The only issue I am having which is probably due  lack of experience  is finding anything else in the night sky to target on. I take it this comes with practice and vast knowledge. 

I bought the telescope second hand it's a Pentaflex D=130mm F=1000mm with the Synscan AZ goto tripod. Any ideas what age the telescope is and is it decent is really the question for a new starter like myself.


Any tips would be grateful 

Edited by kevin1
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5 hours ago, kevin1 said:

52*28'18.4"N 2*02'38.4"W

I've entered them in as 5228N 00238W is this correct?

2 degrees 2 minutes 38.4 seconds west would be 00203W rounding up.

That's if the seconds entry is 3 digits and the minutes two digits ?

But I don't think the error is big enough to worry about.


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