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M42 - Meade APO test run


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At last I was able to get out to the obsy last night, and try the new Meade 80 APO and ZS66 setup.

Both scopes are 'piggy backed' on the 12" LX200R, and while the LX was not in use, it's mount was.

The image was taken with the SXVF-H9C attached to the Meade Triplet, and the SX Lodestar attached to the ZS66, which was being used as the guide scope.

The capture, guiding and processing, was all handled by AA4.

Apologies for M42 being off centre, but the LX's handbox has gone faulty, and I had to line things up remotely.

A bit of a strange sky last night, as it was completley clear, the 'seeing' was anything but good.

Here's the result of 10x30s subs, 12x60s subs, and 5x90s subs, combined.

The Meade APO, was used at it's native f/6.



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Looks great Dave, no star haloes, colour looks good and nice sharp detail. Good result with the Meade!

I had problems with my sky last night as well Dave, it was a funny grey colour. The joys of living on the Eastern edge of the pennines when there is high pressure to the east

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