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Flats over-correction with ASI 1600 ?

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Hi, I use an ASI 1600 MM cool Pro CMOS camera.  On a 16-bit scale (65550 total adu output) I try to keep my Flat adu to about 1/3 of total, or about 20,00 - 24,000 adu.  I understand that this will keep the flats in the linear range of the camera's response.  Sometimes however,  my flats will leave white-ish motes instead of the dark motes that I would have if no flats were used.  I usually use 30 single flats to integrate into a flat master in PI.
This issue has happened twice now with my Ha filter.

1. Has anyone seen this before ?, and
2. Is the fix to lower the adu read out for the individual flats to say 15,000 adu.

Thanks for your comments.
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are you calibrating with matched darks? ( which you need to with this camera)  And what exposures are you using ..  following advice I read on CN  ie use between 0.1 and 2 seconds and put a delay in between subs of 10 seconds.. never fails, I target similar ADU

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