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A wonderful distraction this morning.

maw lod qan

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Got up at 3:30, like usual, and couldn't believe as I yelled at the dogs to do their business, how incredible Luna looked. 

Hurried out to Area51 to have a few moments of viewing to get my mind away from both our looming apocalypses here in the States. (Covid-19 and our election!!)

The air was clear and calm, the terminator only a hour is so from being perfect to view the Apollo 11 landing area. With a 10mm and 2x barlow I could make out two of the 3 craters named for them.

I do my best to enjoy what I do personally and not be envious of others, while at the same time enjoying what others do who have equipment much better than my simple DOB. I can't help but wish for a tracking mount as I go in close on these days and fight to keep that fast moving girl in view.

Still this morning was awesome.

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Sounds great! My last lunar session was a good one, I'm really starting to appreciate the lunar stuff more and more one I learn my geography.

My most-used dob is non-tracking with a telrad. I love it because it's so simple to set up and lets me start viewing very quickly. If I had to set up the other one, there would have been quite a few excellent nights I would have missed out on.

Hope everything passes smoothly there in the non-astronomy department(s)!

Edited by Ships and Stars
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The Moon really is a wonderful alien world right on our door step.  Don't envy the posh scopes too much. It's not the expensive telescope that makes the observer, but the observer who makes the telescope. Just enjoy whatever scope you have.

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