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What is the QHY5/PHD procedure

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Ok I am due to shortly receive the QHY5 guide camera (thanks to the excellent service from Bern) and would like to know the process for getting it all going with PHD.

So if someone could be so kind as to do a point by point breakdown of the process that would be great.

I will be away over Chrismas and it will hopefully come with me but I will not have the t'internet to refer to so need to print it off etc and use a hard copy in the field - the laptop I have is not wifi.

If all the basics could be covered that would be great too such as:

1. turn on laptop

2. start PHD

3. plug in camera etc etc etc

Cheers guys

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I will presume you to have downloaded the relevant drivers....

You'll love this cos it's sooo easy (he says with hindsight)

1) press the camera icon and select CCDlabsQ guider

2)go to Mount drop down menu-select a)On Camera (if you are to use the ST4 cable)

b)Ascom (if you intend using EQMOD)

3)click mount Icon -select EQMOD EQ5/6

4)press the green Loop Icon

5) select a star

6)press stop

7)hit the PHD icon and wait for the green GUIDING signal :thumbright:

pretty much off the top of my head, but think that's all there's to it !


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I would just add that when you hit the phd icon, 7 above, phd will go through a calibration routine. This basically, very slowly, moves the mount left/ right in ra ( and up/down in dec if you have turned on the dec driving ( click on brain button )).

This takes a couple of mins at least in bath directions. PHD uses it to determine which way the camera is orientated. It is suggested that if you move to a different part of the sky, and I would guess the same if the mount flip at the meridian, that you force calibration again. It's in the brain box.


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depends which S/W you're running.

BUT.. if you're not using any of the three listed on the right hand side of the 1st table

then download the 1024 driver from the list below the 1st table,

the QGVideo from the 2nd table (3.4.0) they should do the trick. As SteveL suggested download the cmos.dll too and keep it safe in case you need it :(

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unless you intend using AstroArt,Maxim or CCDSoft ignore the d/lds under these and just d/load the generic QH5Y 1024 byte buffer driver from the list under the table and the QGVideo. The Cmosdll.dll,you will probably find you won't need it but have it anyway.

Once you've got the 2x drivers installed run PHD and see whether it'll run with the cam if yes -woohoo if not- copy and paste the cmosdll.dll over the old one in the applications directory.

Cross that bridge if/when you have to !!

You should find that there are no probs getting up and running-and there's always this ere forum :(

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