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That goosebump moment when...


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I like to tinker with bits like adapters so when I came this morning to test my latest gadget to link my Nikon lenses to my ASI294 MC Pro I couldn't quite believe my screen images - there was this round object where a round object shouldn't be?

Quick check: stars in focus, aircraft moving across FoV, clouds passing (fast) and it's still there! I had the camera and 24-85mm lens mounted on a bean bag on the window sill with the lens leaning on the double glazing pointing up at about 45°. I'd pushed the gain up to about 500 in SharpCap(3.2) with 3 sec exposures to avoid too much trailing. I took a couple of snapshots to plate solve later then tried SharpCap's live stack to see if I could reduce the noise around this mystery object.

That's when the penny dropped (plonker) that mystery object was a water droplet hanging under the gutter and catching a local street lamp...

It wasn't moving with the star background but with the short single frames that wouldn't show. It was only viewing the livestack that things began to register (no pun intended)...




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:D Yep! Had that moment a few times. Got my ASI 1600 a few months ago and eagerly set it up and balanced against a pillow so it could point out my window. This was in the day and just a test with a Canon adapter for my 400mm lens. Nothing on the screen after I powered it up and connected. Tried the gain etc but still nothing. Not used a dedicated camera before so was 100% I was missing something in the settings. After about 20mins of thinking I had a dud, I realised my 4 year old had put the lens cap on (I had taught him at a young age that he must always put this on if he ever sees it off when not being used!) 

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