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Any tips for taking Prime Focus / DLSR images of the Moon?

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Does anybody have any tips on the best camera settings to use for Prime focus images of the Moon. I have a Skywatcher 200dps & Canon EOS600D and up until now have used the Synscan handset to control the camera shutter.

I presume I'd need an intervalometer capable of short exposures? And use a low ISO setting / stack frames as per any other object?

The camera also has a video setting, but with lower resolution.

Any advice much appreciated!

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Depends what you're after - if want the whole moon you can shoot stills, looking back I think I used 10s at 100ISO. But that was doing an eclipse so maybe shorter - take lots of RAW and stack them. Make sure you get 100% focus. Use liveview and crank up the viewfinder mag - or better, if you can hook up to your laptop, use the CAnon utilities to do the shooting and focus using Liveview. Or focus on a star first with Bahtinov mask f you have one. The 200PDS suffers coma of course which may degrade the image towards the edges - I suggest using a coma corrector if you have one.

You can use video BUT dont used compressed formats. I think that means using crop mode - theres a great article on this out there somewhere but cant find it at the moment. This will obviously give smaller high resolution images. Looking back I used .MOV files of 60sec duration, ISO100, 1/800th sec exposures.  But that's with a 550D which has a slightly different crop mode.

edit.. found the link

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