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M1 Hubble Palette


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TOA 130 with ASI 1600

Ha: 11 300sec

OIII: 44 300 sec

SII 45 300 sec

I was finally able to add SII data to my HaOIII bicolor data set.  The OIII and SII data was very good, with low FWHM values, especially the SII, while the Ha data was not so good--plagued by haze and wind and a bright Moon.  All in all I am ok with it....its grwoing on me.  I have never really liked the Hubble Palette for M1 (except for the HST itself!)--much preferring LRGB with a little Ha thrown in.  But I needed something to image one night when the Moon was aggressive, and collected the Ha.  I would collect RGB data and try it, but I am not really satisfied with the Ha, so I would need to start afresh and that will be a hard sell.  I was able to remove a bit of green, so its not that---its just a bit psychedelic for my taste.  I tried binning the data and it turned out that a binned then cropped image is juct not a crisp as an unbinned cropped image.  The crop was not huge--just more than  usual taken off the edges to give the nebula a bit of viewing scale without having to resort to full resolution viewing.  I hope you like it.



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-its just a bit psychedelic for my taste

I felt exactly the same about my image and ended up toning it down completely. Having said that, I don't actually mind the colours you ended up with.....at times it is really nice to look at things in a completely different perspective. 👍

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28 minutes ago, Kinch said:


I felt exactly the same about my image and ended up toning it down completely. Having said that, I don't actually mind the colours you ended up with.....at times it is really nice to look at things in a completely different perspective. 👍

Thanks Brendan.   


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