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NGC7380 - The Wizard nebula in false colour


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Slowly, I'm catching up with processing my finished targets.

Eq6 hypertune gen2 by DarkFrame Ltd
AstroTech 106LE with upgraded Moonlite focuser
TSFlat 2" field flattener
Qhyccd QHY183M Coldmos, cooled at - 20°C
7x1.25" Starlight Xpress USB filterwheel
Baader 1.25" filters, 7nm Ha, 8.5nm Oiii and 8nm Sii
Qhyccd QHY5L-IIM guide camera
TS09OAG off axis guider
Qhyccd Polemaster


1x600sec Ha @ gain 11, offset 8
20x300sec Ha @ gain 11, offset 8
40x600sec Ha @ gain 16, offset 76
40x600sec Oiii @gain 11, offset 8
40x600sec Sii @ gain 16, offset 76

Total integration time 21 hours and 50 minutes

Stacked in Pixinsight and processed in Photoshop CC 2019





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3 minutes ago, geordie85 said:

You've captured some beautiful detail. 

What made you decide to keep changing the gain and offset? I'm curious as I use the same camera but usually use gain 1 offset 12 

Thank you. 

I started with gain 16 that I've been using for a while and I decided to drop it down to 11 in the hope that I will not get fat stars in my photos. The difference wasn't that great and in the end I decided to drop the exposure too. 

I'm still learning what's best for this camera. 

I ordered a baader ultra-narrowband set which I'm hoping it will help even more in reducing the star sizes. 

I only got the 3.5nm Ha and 4.5nm Sii and tonight I put them in my filterwheel. The Oiii is not in stock anywhere. 


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