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Meade ATX-90

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I used to own an ETX90 in early/mid 2000s. As a beginners scope, a good choice at the time.

It offered the chance to try terrestial as well as astro viewing. Gave pleasing views of Saturn & Jupiter.
With a solar filter, it gave good views of sunspots.
It was easy and quick to set up and get results.

As an introduction into different ways of using a scope, again a good choice.
It demonstrated the limitations of 90mm aperture at high magnification.

Eventually I passed it down the family.

Nowadays there are many other choices.



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Tough call if the ETX 90 would be an upgrade over the Meade DS 2080.    Although a different optical design I would have thought the views would be similar.   An extra 10mm aperture would not be noticed especially as the ETX 90 has a central obstruction ( secondary mirror ).     If your Meade is working ok, I wouldn’t change it for the ETX myself.

Of course another option could be to spend similar money on a used scope, a 6” or 8” reflector would be a worthwhile upgrade I would think.

Best wishes in your choice, Ed.

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Picked up a Meade ETX-90 on FB Marketplace for $40. Can anyone tell me if this is an older or newer version. Also where can I find the camera adapter cover? Sorry for the poor quality pictures.




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Hi @DennyD and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

Looking at you images, I think yours maybe the older version.

When you say, quote: "...Also where can I find the camera adapter cover? ..." - do you mean the threaded port where you have the 45 degree prism ? - if "Yes!" then www.scopestuff.com has them... http://scopestuff.com/ss_etxc.htm

Below are images of my 're-modded' ETX105.




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the etx 90 is a good scope for what it is.

I agree with the guy above its probally similar to a 80mm clear refractor once u minus the etx90 CO.

the difference is the etx is almost f14 so its focal length and ratio is much longer and using the same ep in both the power is almost double that of the refractor.

so if you want a high power small scope that may be right for you but there may be some larger low power items you wont see .

your other question about camera is you screw it to where your ep is in the pic then your ep goes on that top ep hole. IT has a switch that u can open the view from the backside or the top side which is really handy.

the only real issue with that scope is the focuser knod is pretty small and almost bumps the diagonal


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