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Processing artifact

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I thought some of you might be interested in seeing an odd looking artifact in one of my recent images of the bubble nebula (see below). 

At first, I thought this was due to incorrect settings within Pixinsight's Winzorised stacking algorithm. However, on examining the individual subs everything was OK - no artifact, just a star.  On closer examination of the individual subs,  I noticed that the star sometimes appeared clearly and sometimes appeared hardly at all.  So, I decided to see if the free ware program Aladin (https://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/ ) could identify the star. Plate solving the object in Pixinsight allowed me to locate the RA and DEC co-ordinates of the artifact (23 20 43.535, +61 14 43.54), after typing these into Aladin it turns out to be the variable star V*MOCas of Mira Cet type.  Since I gathered the data over many months, I presume the star was varying over this period and hence confusing the stacking algorithm and creating the artifact.





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