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Second attempt at imaging


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My second  attempt  at imaging with unmoded dslr and meade 14 " lx850 , polar aligned the scope but it was out slightly  when  slewed the scope back to polaris, but its not far out so I decided  to take  a couple of images of the pleiades  or I thought I did, what are your  thoughts on these images. Any feedback is greatly appreciated 






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The Pleiades is a pretty big target and your camera/scope combination shoots straight through the middle of it.  I've highlighted (in black) where your first three images are pointing and (in yellow) where your forth image is on this Stellarium screenshot.   What exposure time did you use?

There's a reflection of something in the top right corner of the first three images.  Any idea what it is?


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Thanks for the reply. It was the first chance I've  had since September to open the roof  and do the alignment knew I was close to the pleiades but couldn't  tell from the image now I know why, I'm looking  to get a cmos camera  soon but haven't  decided  which one yet, my exposure  times varied between 15 and 20 seconds. As for the image at the top right I don't know what it is.

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The reflection in the corner is probably coming from stray light entering the viewfinder.   When the mirror flips up to take a photo there is no light seal between it and the viewfinder.  Normally this doesn't matter because your eye creates a seal as is pressed up against the viewfinder but for a long exposure it will be a problem.

On my EOS70D I can remove the viewfinder eye cushion and replace it with a light blocker built into the strap.   Maybe your camera can do this?

Your images are pretty good for 15 seconds.   Try a smaller target and vary the exposure times with higher ISO speeds (experimenting is good).  If you do 60 x 30 second subs and stack them in Deep Sky Stacker (free) you may be pleasantly surprised at the result and decide that there is no need for a cmos camera just yet. 😁

There are plenty of threads on SGL that go into image taking and processing in much greater depth.  Happy reading and imaging.



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