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Testing my flare strategy

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I have started looking to get low resolution spectra of Red Dwarf stars during a flare.  However, they are not frequent and I wanted to test my strategy of finding a flare by doing photometry on the zero order image. To this end I decided to look at CW Cas an eclipsing binary and follow the exact procedure of aligning the frames then doing multi-star photometry with out any calibration in astroimagej. The result is attached. There were light clouds at times hence the increase in noise in places but I was pleased with the result. (The gap is a meridian flip.) All was done automatically using CCDAutoPilot5 and The Sky X while I attended the Chester Astro Soc meeting and then slept.


Regards Andrew

Edited by andrew s
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3 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Great result Andrew. Will be very useful doing spectroscopy and photometry at the same time.

Unfortunately,  the zero order is not on any standard photometric system as it is the residual left after the spectra have been diffracted out. Nevertheless,  it can save me looking at thousands of images one by one!

Regards Andrew 

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Interesting test target.  For fun I dug out some B,V light curves from this paper


and plotted a rough B-V  curve. There is a bit of scatter, probably because the B ,V measurement times were not coincident, but there is about a 6-7% colour change. Not the primary purpose of course but I wondered if that is large enough to pick up in your spectra ?






Edited by robin_astro
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