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ZWO ASI071 to Canon EOS lens CHEAP adapter


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Hello, I have a canon EOS lens of 30-700x, and I'd like to try imaging with it once using my ASI071MC pro camera.
I've seen the adapter ZWO is selling, but paying $50 for that is simply too much for me to "test" that.

Does anyone know any other adapter I can use? I pretty much just need EOS to T2 thread adapter, but god I simply can't find it...I'm able to find EOS to T2 female, but can't find EOS to T2 male ot T2 female to male adapter...

Can someone please help me with that? I need to find it on ebay/aliexpress probably, and I really don't want/think that should cost that much. If I won't find it I'll probably pass on that idea for now.

Thanks :)

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11 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Looking at the ZWO EOS Adapter, I think you could fashion something very similar by buying a broken EOS film camera off eBay, removing the lens mount, and attaching that to a suitable length T2 Extension. 


Isn't it possible to simply get a lens mount? Maybe something like this? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/927433526.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.180348e14QfgGs&algo_pvid=1a446c42-fcfe-4013-a5fd-2a8e71e99d38&algo_expid=1a446c42-fcfe-4013-a5fd-2a8e71e99d38-27&btsid=7511ebf3-3564-4373-8b04-08d9932b906d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_9,searchweb201603_55

How would you attach it though? Screws? Glue? That could pretty much work I believe.

Edited by msacco
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That would allow a Pentax PK lens to be attached to an EOS camera. 

Similar adapters are available for Nikon, Olympus etc to EOS, but you need it the other way round - EOS to any brand. 

There probably are repair parts EOS lens mounts available. 

Yes you will Ave to devise the best method for securely attaching. 


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8 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

That would allow a Pentax PK lens to be attached to an EOS camera. 

Similar adapters are available for Nikon, Olympus etc to EOS, but you need it the other way round - EOS to any brand. 

There probably are repair parts EOS lens mounts available. 

Yes you will Ave to devise the best method for securely attaching. 


Hmmm, would something like this fit? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Macro-Reverse-Adapter-Rear-Lens-Mount-Protection-Ring-f-Canon-EOS-EF-S-58mm-Lens/182699886582?epid=729136403&hash=item2a89c307f6:g:5JUAAOSwTM5Y4f60

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2 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Yes the silver part, and perhaps all of it if you need the spacing. 


What would be the most ideal way to connect it to the ZWO camera afterwards? I thought about getting a small T2 extension and then attach it to that, what do you think?

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EOS back focus is 44mm.

More than 44mm and the lens might not reach infinity focus.

Less than 44mm spacing will always work, infinity focus will be reached before the focus ring reaches the infinity mark.

This allows you to use standard length spacers instead of fiddling around trying to get exactly 44mm.


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