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M81_M82 Group from earlier in summer


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The last one looks a lot better. Have you tried processing without trying to keep the ifn? Otherwise, assuming you use pixinsight, try multiscale hdr transform on the galaxies only. This will take their brightness down.

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Here is another go.  I think this is lipstick on a pig.......   I need to go back to the beginning.  I'm almost there with it but not quite, I can't control the brightness of the galaxies and keep the IFN, and in order to keep the IFN I get weird stars.  I can't seem to converge on a solution for this image.  I tried M-HDR Wim but it was leaving weird artefacts.  I only use that on the luminance normally.  I think my master Lum is too bright and it is blowing everything away after LRGB combination. 

I Will have another go in the next few days.


Edited by kirkster501
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This looks like great data. 

Are you just pushing too hard on contrast and saturation?

Just taking your JPEG and tweaking a little gives this:



...which may not be the effect you are looking for, but the IFN  features compare well with this image: Messier_81_-_82_group, which I understand was up for an APOD!


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