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Pegasus or Eagle 3?


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I am looking for a control unit to use with my LX850 mount. 

I need to control dew heaters (up to 4), a focuser and either a Canon DSLR or a range of Altair CMOS cameras.

Is anyone in the group using either of these or another system. I'd be interested in your opinions.

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I use a Pegasus UPB, on my garden pier based set up, and find it superb, but I also have a Hitecastro Mount hub pro now, for my mobile rig, and that is also very good...so I guess it comes down to what you want to spend at the end of the day, there is, or was last time I browsed, a Hitecastro Mount hub pro on fleabay for a good price, it may have been ENSoptical who were selling, can’t remember.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an eagle3q which works well. I don’t find the WiFi connectivity to be very good though, the range is only about 20-25 feet, although this could possibly be improved with bigger ‘aerials’ on my laptop and on the eagle. Prima Luce labs said to me that other WiFi signals in the area can interfere with it, which may be the cause of the WiFi issues, so I use a 60 ft cat 5 cable to connect it so that I can operate it from indoors using Microsoft Remote Desktop. 

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