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Fornax A - NGC1316 & NGC1317


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Hello All,

It's been a while since I posted any images since my baby daughter was born, as you can see I was preoccupied with something that took priority over the hobby... Finding time and energy to expose subs wasn't a problem but procesing the data, well that where I was (and still am) time poor.  As things are settling down I was able to spend a few nights under the stars and start playing with the data.

This is an image of NGC 1316 which is located within the Fornax Cluster, a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Fornax. NGC 1316 is located at the edge of the Fornax Cluster and about 62 million LY away from our Solar System.
NGC 1316 appears to be interacting with NGC 1317, a small spiral galaxy visible below NGC1316. I’m happy with the amount of detail captured in this generally boring galaxy, I particularly like the "jets" streaming out of the core.

This photograph was imaged with my cooled Canon 40D DSLR and with my 8" SCT at 2032mm focal length for a total exposure time of 20 hours and 25 minutes across multiple nights.

Thanks for looking,

Clear Skies

NGC1316 RGB 11-25Sep2019 Frm.jpg

Edited by MarsG76
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23 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Very nice image, I think interacting galaxies are anything but boring.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter by the way, I guess you may suffer from a lack of processing time for the next 20+ years I am afraid, unless you get your kids into AP at a young age 🙂 


Thank you... I'm sure that astronomy will at the very least be a passing interest....

When I said boring, I meant in the visual aspect... It seems much more bland than, say, the colourful whisps of nebulosity that some nebulae cover the frame to frame in detail... but astronomy is interesting in all forms... I knew that the galaxy was not going to be as "colorful" as other objects but it's not imaged often and I want to target the objects that are neglected and/or objects that are further south and not visible (easily or at all) from the northern hemisphere.


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2 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

When I said boring, I meant in the visual aspect... It seems much more bland than, say, the colourful whisps of nebulosity that some nebulae cover the frame to frame in detail... but astronomy is interesting in all forms... I knew that the galaxy was not going to be as "colorful" as other objects but it's not imaged often and I want to target the objects that are neglected and/or objects that are further south and not visible (easily or at all) from the northern hemisphere.

Yeah I know what you mean and these are new to me (mind you so is a lot of it 🙂 ) and I guess they are so far away and  that seeing any detail is almost impossible with land based equipment (of any affordable type anyway) but still worth capturing and fair play to you not just going after easy targets.


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1 hour ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

seeing any detail is almost impossible with land based equipment (of any affordable type anyway) but still worth capturing and fair play to you not just going after easy targets.

If you look closely at the core you can see the streams emanating from the core.

Seeing might be hard, but imaging technology has allowed for amazing work and fine detail captured by amateurs... quality that was only dreamt of by the pros 30 years ago.


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6 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Okay maybe I wasn't clear that time I really meant to say that  we may not get the detail we can get from closer galaxies or other DSO's. 

I have only been imaging for less than 2 years but am blown away what can be imaged with even fairly modest equipment.


Absolutely... the problem is that there is so many objects and so little moonless clear Skies and not enough years in a life time to see and image everything that's available to backyard equipment.

Edited by MarsG76
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