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Error running astronomy.net plate solving.. help


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I've been trying to get ASPS to work but I keep getting this error. 'Error running astronomy.net plate solving. Check the processing log file.'

I had been using plate solving successfully through APT, but since installing Bitdefender recently, I've had all kinds of warnings from it regarding various files and programs to do with APT/platesolving. In the end I have uninstalled Bitdefender but not before it said it had quarantined some files after which the latest error started to show.

I have tried re installing both PS2 and ASPS through APT but I cannot find a solution to this current error. It makes no difference if I run ASPS by itself or through APT, I get the same problem.

Can anyone please help as I've run out of ideas.


thanks in advance


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What does the log file say?

A succesful solve is similar to below:

2019-09-25 10:05:50,783 Starting Job processing for Job 3628901
2019-09-25 10:05:50,785 Creating directory /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901
2019-09-25 10:05:50,786 submission id 2942687
2019-09-25 10:05:50,789 running: augment-xylist --downsample 2 --tweak-order 2 --scale-units degwidth --scale-low 0.1 --wcs wcs.fits --out /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901/job.axy --image /home/nova/nova/net/data/files/uploaded/a79/a79fa082ae6b59aa4cac0e1430a21068b8a380ad --rdls rdls.fits --scale-high 180.0 --corr corr.fits 
2019-09-25 10:06:00,476 created axy file /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901/job.axy
2019-09-25 10:06:00,477 command: cd /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901 && /home/nova/nova/net/solvescript.sh job-nova-3628901 job.axy >> /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901/log
2019-09-25 10:06:09,550 Solver completed successfully.
2019-09-25 10:06:09,550 Checking for WCS file /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0362/03628901/wcs.fits
2019-09-25 10:06:09,550 WCS file exists
2019-09-25 10:06:09,555 Created TanWCS: <TanWCS: CRVAL (38.212110, 61.024879) CRPIX (1556.232651, 1812.368713) CD (-0.000038, -0.000491; 0.000491 -0.000037) Image size (4656.000000, 3520.000000)>
2019-09-25 10:06:09,575 SkyLocation: <SkyLocation: nside(32) healpix(663)>
2019-09-25 10:06:09,577 Created Calibration Calibration 2351470
2019-09-25 10:06:09,667 Finished job 3628901


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Hi Steve,


yes sorry I meant astrometry.net.


As for the log file, I looked under File/view log file but it just says 'Reading input file 1 of 1: "/temp/stars.fit"...
Processing duration: 2.2 seconds.' 




Edited by Grommit2013
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yes I’m running windows 10.


I don’t think ansvr was ever installed. I’m just looking at it now on the web and the install procedure is something I didn’t have to do while installing either APT, platesolver2 or All Sky  Platesolver.



Edited by Grommit2013
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I'm installing it now; it was definitely not installed when I went through the pointcraft solver set up in APT and downloaded ASPS and Platesolve2. At least the GUI is very different, when it asks which indexes you want to download etc..


Thanks very much for your help, hopefully this will solve the problem.



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ok, so update.. installed and ran ansvr, has made no difference to all sky plate solver not working. Just tested trying to solve an image through APT using both 'blind' and 'solve' buttons. 'solve' button (as long as I give it a rough idea where its looking) solves the image within 3-4 secs.

Using 'blind' button fails giving the same error as I get when using asps on its own.


Hopefully the screen grabs I took have loaded so you can see the errors I get.


To say this is frustrating is an understatement.


Thanks for any help







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I'm sure its something really simple, but I just cant see what it is.

As an aside, when you set up platesolving through APT it asksk you to download and install both Platesolve2 and ASPS but nowhere does it mention ansvr so I don't know why it is relevant. The main trouble is this is all still fairly new to me so I'm desperately trying to learn while I'm doing it. 


thanks again for the help, it is much appreciated



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Try running APT as administrator.

2 hours ago, Grommit2013 said:


astrometry.net is a Linux tool. ansvr is a version which runs on windows. It was installed when you installed ps2 and asps from APT. Unless you reverse the damage bitdefender did, it will not run.

Edited by alacant
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