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NGC 6888 bicolor


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Here is a bicolor ( Ha + OIII) image of the Crescent  nebula.

Optics: Equinox 120

Mount: Astrophysics 900 GTO

Camera: QSI 690 ( Ha 120’ ; OIII 60’  + Flats )

Post processing: Pixinsight and PS

48260613016_71d1420767_o.jpgCrescent Nebula Bicolor by Aleksandar Topalov, on Flickr


For guiding i use a Lodestar and a 180 mm FL guide scope which gives me an image scale of 9.6 arcsec/pix. My imaging rig gives me 1 “/pix. I know that the guider image scale is way too high. I should probably bring it down to 3-4. Maybe use a barlow? Then i think is Lodestar a good choice for a guiding camera with such big pixel size? You need a really long FL scope to get reasonable image scale.

How much would lowering the image scale improve my images? 


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