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Beginning to use Celestron 6SE

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I have assembled my Celeston Nexstar 6SE but am unable to do what is necessary to begin to use it.  Any detailed practical advice on how to begin to use the scope would be appreciated. 

Please advise me of any resources that I may access to assist me in using the scope. The instructions tell me what to do , but they are not enabling me to get started.  Obviously user inexperience and lack of knowledge. Any help is appreciated. 

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Hi @Cliff Guy and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

I will do my best, so hear goes...

  1. If it has a red dot finder [RDF] or finderscope, either needs to be aligned with the main tube [OTA] i.e. find a target a long way away, (about 1mile/1.5kms), during the daytime hours. Something like a TV mast, wind turbine, electricty pylon, telephone pole, etc., with the main tube centre it in the lowest power eyepiece [e/p] to begin with, then insert a higher power until that appears centre too, and you are happy that everything is centred --> then centre the RDF or finderscope with what you have in e/p and tighten up any adjustment screws. If you only have a finderscope, don't worry if the views are updside down. This is perfectly normal for astronomical telescopes.
  2. Once setup and ready to observe and has been brought outside from a warm enviroment, allow the OTA to acclimatise to the surrounding air. This can take thirty minutes or longer. Remember to remove the end cap and dust plug at the visual back end, i.e. where the e/p goes - useful tip #1: if possible point this end up as it will help cool the OTA - remember heat rises.
  3. If you have a dewshield this can be put on whilst waiting for the OTA to cool down
  4. If you have 'goto', this needs to be setup to your nearest town or city. Set the date I think is in the MM.DD.YYYY format, (not to au-fait with it, as I do not have this facility). When done set the time, then you can proceed to do a two or three star alignment.
  5. Again, whilst waiting for the OTA to cool, find some stars make suitable two/three star targets.
  6. Focussing does take a few turns of the focus wheel/knob to acheive focus.
  7. Depending where you store can be also important. If inside the home, you may need to reassemble again, (I know, damn annoying), remember to leave everything out to dry naturally and end caps etc removed and not near sources of heat, also the front end pointing down. That way, any condensation on corrector plate cannot seep inside the tube.
  8. useful tip #2: rotate the focusser wheel/knob to move the primary mirror up/down the baffle tube all the way to evenly distribute the grease/lubricant a few times before first use.
  9. useful tip #3: keep the OTA face up during hot weather when not in use. That way, any grease/lubricant on the baffle tube drips that would otherwise fall onto the corrector plate or secondary mirror can be avoided.

Hope this makes some kind of sense.

Image below of two of three 'scopes I use.




Clear skies,


Edited by Philip R
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