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Roads less travelled CED-214 and SH2-86

Stub Mandrel

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These are two images from last 20 September, again 5-minute subs using my cooled 450D with the 130P-DS and a 7nmn Ha filter. They have been stretched in FITS Liberator and very lightly adjusted in photoshop, with noise removal in Astra Image. again the challenge is 'posterisation', so the darkest areas have been masked out and blurred a little to make the transitions less harsh.

SH2-86 - the 'Poor Man's Pillars of Creation'




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41 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Would you mind posting the unprocessed fits? Id like to try processing the top one if that’s ok!

I'm glad you asked - it's made me check and I've discovered I've been saving the FITS with the default DSS curve applied. This is compressing the dark part of the image, hence the posterisation!

I'm running through some quick reprocessing then I'll try and upload a FITS or two.

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