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Astrophotography in the city with ZWO 7nm narrowband filters - IC1396

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Hi there,

I'm pretty much bound to light polluted skies in Utrecht (the Netherlands). So I made a video on how to perform astrophotography in the city using narrowband filters.

In this case, I'm using ZWO 7nm narrowband filters (Ha, Sii, Oiii) to image IC1396 - The Elephant Trunck Nebula.

I also discuss differences between imaging with broadband and narrowband filters and how narrowband can rescue astrophotographers who are dealing with a lot of light pollution like me.

You can find the video here, hope you find it useful:




Clear skies!

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20 hours ago, carastro said:

Enjoyed the video, yes narrowband is my life saver too at home, but I travel to campsites (Bortle 4) on a regular basis as well. 

Also been to Utrecht, albeit many years ago.


Thanks @carastro  @upahill,

I've recently been to the south of the Peloponnesos (Greece). With my family so no astrophotography gear, only my DSLR and a kitlens. It was so beautiful to see the milkyway and jupiter (close to the milkyway) during some moonless nights. Truly amazing. We don't get that in Utrecht (although I do like living in the city).

Some day I'll buy a tiny house in a green zone and put all of my astrography equipment there :-). 


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