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Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED PRO and filters

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I am hoping to buy one of these but I believe that when imaging this scope gives a 40mm diameter imaging circle when used with the flattener.

So forgive my ignorance but does that mean I really need 2" filters if used with my mono CCD? 

If so this maybe an issue because I only have 36mm unmounted filters and I just could not afford to upgrade to 2" . 

I could of course use my DSLR again but would mean I cannot do any NB with it with my filters.

Does anyone have experience using this scope with a filter wheel and mono CCD?


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3 minutes ago, Pompey Monkey said:

The filters need to be large enough to cover your sensor. If you had a 40mm chip, then you would need the 2 inch filters.

But as your chip is about 22mm across the diagonal, then you will be fine with your 36mm filters.

Thanks Paul,

I kind of assumed that was the case and it seemed to make sense but thought I would just ask to be sure.




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