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Connecting AstroEQ to PHD2


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I am trying to set up my EQ5 mount for autoguiding with a guide camera. So far, I've built an AstroEQ box which seems to work perfectly (have loaded a configuration).

I have installed PHD2 and am trying to connect the AstroEQ box as a mount in PHD2. I believe I am looking for the "ASCOM EQ5/6" option, however, it is not listed.

I have installed Ascomplatform64 and Ascompad v209. Below is a screenshot of my choices of mount in PHD2:


Are any of these applicable, if not, how do I get ASCOM EQ5/6 listed there?

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16 minutes ago, GraemeH said:

I have no personal experience with this, but reading a bit on the AstroEQ webpage seems to indicate that you need to install EQMOD as well, and link your AstroEQ controller to that.  PHD2 will then connnect to EQMOD.

^ This

EQMOD will connect to AstroEQ
PHD2 will connect to EQMOD

Ascompad i believe is just for controlling mounts with a joypad? Could be wrong on that though.


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