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Eyepiece for Skymax 180 Recommendations

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Looking to fill a gap in my limited eye piece range for my relatively new SW Skymax 180.  My current collection consists of:

  • Explore Scientific 6.7mm (402x mag rarely useable at such high magnification?)
  • Skywatcher 25mm that came with my ED80 (108x mag)
  • Explore Scientific 2x Barlow

So my 25mm is the only really useable eyepiece I own, giving me 108x and 216x mag options with my 2x barlow).  

There are some things I would like advice on:

  • I'm thinking of getting something to fill the 300x-350x mag range... should I go for something like a 10mm eyepiece, or 20mm and use my barlow?
  • I've read that I don't particularly need a top of the range eye piece for a scope with such a large focal length?  
  • Considering both the above, I was thinking https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/bcortho-18-2954118.html.  Any better candidates? 
Edited by scitmon
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Aye, with the f15, expensive eyepieces corrected for faster f-ratios are not necessary. However, I do wonder whether +300x would be useful on most nights during the year? Assuming the 180s focal length is 2700mm, I'd be more inclined to go for something around 16mm and use a Barlow on nights of exceptional seeing, for example.

With that said, in the long run, it might be more fruitful to look into a zoom eyepiece. This would give you a better idea of what magnifications suit the telescope and the objects viewed before investing - if so desired - in individual eyepieces. The Celestron/Seben 8mm-24mm zoom ought to work well in the f15 and will give you a running magnification from around 110x to 330x. Couple that with your Barlow and you can crazy :smiley:.

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I may be wrong but I think it will be very similar to other branded zooms such as TS-Optics', Lunt's. My guess is that it'll have a very similar design, glass, lens to the aforementioned zooms. Moreover, FLO's pricing is outstanding, compare € this with € this. I have purchased a nice number of items from FLO and I find them to be honest, upfront and very knowledgeable. They're not in this game for the quick buck. Why don't you drop them a line and ask what they think about the zoom in your f15?

Edited by Rob Sellent
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