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SEPTEMBER 13TH - 22.58 PM, 99.7% 14.47 DAYS


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Out from 22.10 to  11.00 pm, when hazy high altitude cloud took over, not quite full Moon  - 99.7 illumination.  If anyone took the trouble to look at the terminator around this time, there were some interesting features on show, particularly in the north   (even N of the pole)  where the libration was favourable.  Worth the effort as some of the features are not often on show, even though they are rather elongated and foreshortened due to the libration.  I can't remember observing Cleostratus, Boote, Regnault, Desargues, Pascal, Brianchon and Sylvester very often !!  There were also some nice terminator features on W and NE limbs, though I haven't finished identifying some of these featrues yet.

Pic is a single frame with the SW 120ED, AZ4 mount, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/640 sec at 200 asa.  The close ups are all crops of the same photo.  The seeing was poor but managed some views in the binoviewer when the detail was quite good up to x150 on the odd occasion.









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Many thanks Mark.  I'll compare the link to Virtual Moon Atlas which I currently use along with SkySafari Pro. (along with Lunar atlases)   The illumination and age of the lunation data from VMA and SSPro are always slightly different,  will be interesting to see howthe data from the link compares.  Thanks again.

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