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Live auto focus


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There is a device that performs live autofocus continually--it splits the infrared out of the optical signal, uses it to focus, and actually refocuses on a continual bases.  Like adaptive optics (AO), it sounds great on paper, but does it live up to the theory?  Obviously live continual focus would be optimal.



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5 minutes ago, alan potts said:

It is the thing I have most problems with, tend to forget it and the temperature can drop fairly quick causing problems, only a touch but it is enough to ruin things.


That is the beauty of the live focus system--continual perfect focus at all times......if it works.  I find my temperature compensation on the Boss II electric focus controller works pretty well.  I still check focus every hour or so.   I view the live focus as the ultimate auto focus system.................."  "  ".


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3 hours ago, Rodd said:

That is the beauty of the live focus system--continual perfect focus at all times......if it works.  I find my temperature compensation on the Boss II electric focus controller works pretty well.  I still check focus every hour or so.   I view the live focus as the ultimate auto focus system.................."  "  ".


I imagine to yourself imaging at somewhat more than arms length it is vital, I dare say you have ways of looking at what you capture but to correct maybe is not as straight forward as me just turning the focuser, I feel this would be great for the likes of yourself if it proves to be good and reliable.


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6 minutes ago, alan potts said:

I imagine to yourself imaging at somewhat more than arms length it is vital, I dare say you have ways of looking at what you capture but to correct maybe is not as straight forward as me just turning the focuser, I feel this would be great for the likes of yourself if it proves to be good and reliable.


Yeah, but it cost a bit--I think over $1,000 for the unit.  And its heavy, if that is a concern.  In a stable dark location where the seeing is steady a 1 arcsec/pix, I suppose it would be great--to be able to hold all data to the limit of seeing.  Its a lot to spend to "see if it works".  It would save time though.  One thing I have done is stop slewing to focus stars--especially with broad band.  To  focus now, I stop the imaging camera but keep the guider running.  Then I put my B-mask on and focus using stars in the FOV.  It can be a challenge if there are no viable stars in the field.  But I zoom in, and if necessary use 20 sec subs.  So far it has always worked.  Narrow band is more difficult--but it still works--I have used 60 sec subs for that.  But I have eliminated framing after I focus so in the end it still saves time....especially when I am imaging right at or a little beyond the meridian when a slew back to the targetwould force a meridian flip.


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