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I wanted to see just what I could expect from the core of M31 as far as dust lanes and internal structures go.  How much structure is there, how far do teh dust lanes go?  I did not know and wanted to do a little reconnaaisance before continuing with my M31 project...mostly so I do not expect too much out of the core.  I think this image pretty much shows what there is to get, though with more integration and all the channels (and better processing), what there is woil no doubt be clearer.  This is the green channel, anout 3 hours with TOA 130 and ASI 1600.  As you can see, there are faint dust lanes right to the center of the core--probably spiralling down into the maw of  no return.  These will no doubt get fared out and become invisible.  Maybe an HDR Composition with very short subs will preserve them.  I treid to bring them out further--bu t ended up compromising the core profile.  I am encouraged by the depth of the structures wth 3 hours of data and am looking forward to a complete image.





Edited by Rodd
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5 hours ago, wimvb said:

Excellent catch, Rodd. I agree that hdr composition is probably the way to go. Other dynamic range compression techniques will most likely do more harm than good. 

Thanks Wim.  Its funny, I tried a rudimentary HDR comp.  I collected 20 sec subs, 1min subs and 2min subs, about an hour of each and used HDR comp.  I compared that to just integrating the 3 stacks using the integration tool (also used Pixel Math).  There was no difference between the intergation tool and Pixel Math--and both of those seemed better than the HDR comp tool.  They had a higher SNR.  The core was smoothed out wih the HDR--there was no central spot, but the signal over all seemed weaker.    Maybe I need more shorter subs, like 5 and 10 sec.  Not sure, I have never really used HDR comp before.


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Just now, alan potts said:

Well when I take photo's of people i always believe get in close and fill the frame, this is a different take on a target I have seen a few times there is detail in there for sur,e

I just need to have the fortitude to stick with it.  5 filters with multiple exposure lengths....a lot of work.  Will take  a long time unless I get lucky with a week of clear sky


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47 minutes ago, Rodd said:

I just need to have the fortitude to stick with it.  5 filters with multiple exposure lengths....a lot of work.  Will take  a long time unless I get lucky with a week of clear sky


We have had 35 on the trot now and could use some rain, Moon at the moment doesn't help me with more clear sky tonight and tomorrow, wish I could send you some.


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Just now, alan potts said:

We have had 35 on the trot now and could use some rain, Moon at the moment doesn't help me with more clear sky tonight and tomorrow, wish I could send you some.


It would be nice to have some days of rest without worrying about missing clea rsky.  With 35 in a row, I wouldn't mind sitting out the Moon--or even imaging it.  After about 4 days of imaging I am a zombie anyway--very rarely does that happen


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