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Fancy an open cluster? M29 is nicely positioned and quite compact - framed nicely in your FOV.

Globular - M15.

Nebula - Maybe Crescent nebula? It is nicely framed. Cocoon is also good fit

Galaxy - NGC7331 is always a nice target.


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Ngc7331 looks good nice  and large aswell thanks

just hope it’s not behind my house lol🤞🏻 my viewing range is n to sse then s to west

just my luck looks like 7331 and crescent nebula May be Be hind my cherry tree 🌳🤔🧨



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17 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

Ngc7331 looks good nice  and large aswell thanks

just hope it’s not behind my house lol🤞🏻 my viewing range is n to sse 



NGC7331 looks like something worth a try, if you want a emission nebula then the Signus wall is a good bright section of the north American nebula that will fit with careful framing and a Ha filter. The crescent Nebula might work, or the propeller DWB111 fits nicely too. However the broad band galaxy target will be easier starting out. 60- 120 second luminance subs are probably a good place to start.

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45 minutes ago, Adam J said:

NGC7331 looks like something worth a try, if you want a emission nebula then the Signus wall is a good bright section of the north American nebula that will fit with careful framing and a Ha filter. The crescent Nebula might work, or the propeller DWB111 fits nicely too. However the broad band galaxy target will be easier starting out. 60- 120 second luminance subs are probably a good place to start.

60 -120 subs ok with non cooled cam?

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2 hours ago, Fieldsy said:

60 -120 subs ok with non cooled cam?

depends on the ambient temperature.

Could go with 30seconds if its a warm night.

I think i worked out optimal gain and exposure for you before so just go with those figures.

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5 minutes ago, Adam J said:

depends on the ambient temperature.

Could go with 30seconds if its a warm night.

I think i worked out optimal gain and exposure for you before so just go with those figures.

Not the best track but no trails so thought would try


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9 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

Not the best track but no trails so thought woughtld try


yeah 200 seconds at 17.1c is too much

Also from the stars your colimation looks out?

But at least thats your target!

The thing is longer subs can look better on a sub for sub basis but over a night your better off with more shorter subs by the time you stack them.

200 gain is too high for 200second subs if that length gain 50 is a better bet to not blow stars and the galaxy core out.

200 will work better with 30 second subs. Also shorter subs work better with poor tracking.

Just trust that you will get something out from many many subs stacked even if the individual subs look a little rubbish.


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1 minute ago, Fieldsy said:

 RGBHL .30 sec subs and 10 sec subs all at 200 gain total 200 shots, stars look as if I have correct target but cant make the galaxy out. Then if the 30 sec subs got trails though the 10 secs would be ok.

i would need to see the 30s subs and guide graph to help mate.

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