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Stargazing atop Red Dune on Benguerra Island


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Another observing report from my recent vacation to Benguerra Island in Mozambique.  Benefiting from a Bortle Class 2 sky, the whole island is fantastic for stargazing, but one evening, the lodge management arranged for me to stargaze from the top of Red Dune, the highest point on the island, which according to my Fitbit, is 29 storeys high, and provides full 360 degree views.  I also had an observing buddy in the form of Grant, head of maintenance, who had an interest in Astronomy and drove me over to the Red Dune.

Report is on the link:


Feed back always appreciated.

When the sky is this good, even a three inch scope will deliver a memorable evening of stargazing...


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Wow - that's an amazing report, Matthew :thumbright:. Unbelievable experience and setting. Your photos are also rather cracking; those 2 day Moon/desert shots are gorgeous. Comepletely of tangent, but I was wondering, while out observing on the dunes etc, are there any nasty creepy-crawlies about or flying bugs that like to suck blood?

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On 27/08/2019 at 18:26, MartinB said:

That sounds like a fantastic place to visit.  That's a lovely Milky Way although I imaging where you were it was casting shadows and spoiling your night vision!

Actually, if you looked closely at the ground, it was not completely black, even when there was no other discernible source of light, so in way, yep! Annoying Milky Way ruining my dark adaptation!😉

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On 28/08/2019 at 00:10, Paz said:

Great report - those exotic southern objects are like reading folklore about mythical far away places!


On 29/08/2019 at 13:21, StarryEyed said:


Thanks! All amateur astronomers should try and find a away south of the equator at least once with some observing equipment to experience these skies.

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On 28/08/2019 at 02:14, Rob Sellent said:

Wow - that's an amazing report, Matthew :thumbright:. Unbelievable experience and setting. Your photos are also rather cracking; those 2 day Moon/desert shots are gorgeous. Comepletely of tangent, but I was wondering, while out observing on the dunes etc, are there any nasty creepy-crawlies about or flying bugs that like to suck blood?

I did not notice anything on the dune, but had I switched my headlamp to bright white I might have suddenly been aware of unpleasant things! On the beach, in the early evening there were some mosquitoes but I found replenant took care of that problem. However, once again who knows what might have been scurrying around on the sand!

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