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Three big rocks in the sky


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I must confess that I couldn't really see what all the fuss was about over the last few of days with the Venus/Moon/Jupiter thingy but this evening, for the first time, the sky was clear enough to see the moon. And below and to the right was Venus amd just above that was Jupiter. I was transfixed. There was just something about the sight which struck me - awesome! Now I know!

It was about 4:30 p.m. not yet dark and there were no stars in the sky that I could see anywhere. Unfortunetaly I was at work and couldn't use anything but the naked eye. The moon was a great crescent shape, Venus was as bright as anything ever was and Jupiter was much dimmer. Having said that, I was looking from directly outside the office and light pollution is horrendous there.

A brilliant view. I hope they're still around at the weekend when I can get a better look from home.


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Well, strictly speaking, Jupiter is a ball of gas rather than a rock, but I will hasten back to pedants corner for this!

I saw it too - walking the dog over the common at about 4.15pm and saw all 3. the crescent moon with some earthshine was particularly lovely!

Shame that by the time I got back home :) had taken over for the entire evening again!

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Well as usual I had cloud BUT a gap to the SW put this lovely sight in view. The moon with earthshine was superb with the occasional thin cloud passing by it. In the 15x70 binos it looked like the clouds were behind the moon and it was lovely. Jupiter and it moons visible and Venus superb. Lets hope this evening is just as good with the planets to ssw at about 15.46 as the sun goes down

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