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elephant's trunk nebula with 200 newtonian


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hi all, here's an image i took last month from my usual spot in the south of france.


here is the link to full res version:


i imaged it with my 8" newtonian from skywatcher.

here are the details :

mount skywatcher eq6r

imaging cam: asi1600mm cooled at -15c

guiding cam: asi290mm on zwo OAG

coma corrector TSGPU

zwo filters LRHaGB

L: 65x180sec=3h15

RGB:3X20X180sec=1h per colour layer

Ha: 14x300sec=1h20

i mixed the Ha layer with the red layer in post process.

processed in DSS, photoshop.

clear skies



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3 minutes ago, Peakedge said:

That's excellent!

 I have the same 'scope and camera combo. What were your gain and offset settings?



thanks David, i was using unity gain (139) and offset 50.

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