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First light C6XLT on HEQ5 PRO


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A bit of a let down tonight. I deployed the new combination for the very first time tonight. Since recieveng my goodies, either the conditions have been poor or work has meant not having time (4 days as an exhibitor at Countryfile Live, Blenheim Palace meant I was a bit pooped).

After about half an hour messing about with alignment etc. I slewed to a couple of objects (M31, Double Cluster and and NGC globular). None were particularly striking however, I believe this was mostly my fault- insufficient dark adaptation, poor set up etc.

I have a feeling the rig and I will need considerably more time to get used to each other before I experience its joys properly. I also think I need some targets a bit closer to get the full benefit of the C6.

The HEQ5 PRO will probably come into its own for DS withe the Newtonian on board.

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I'm sure another night everything will work out fine. Uneventful evenings like this are just that and I'm almost certain you've gained a good deal of knowledge and experience from this evening, even if it doesn't seem like that at the moment. After you've rested some and the sky conditions improve, I'm sure the C6 will have a happy ending. It's a fine scope; light, short, decent aperture, easy to mount and travel with and when properly cooled and collimated ought to surrender some outstanding views. I look forward to reading about your next session 🙂

Edited by Rob Sellent
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Well, tonight was much improved. First order of business was to try the mount with my SW 150P Newt. Set the kit up then messed around for half an hour getting alignment sorted (practice WILL make perfect) and then I decided to try M92 using the GoTo. Straight to it and very nice it was too- got to it just before the moon popped above the rooftops and made life difficult.

I then did a bit of casting around but the moon won out so I dismounted the Newt and deployed the C6. After a little while for it to cool down, I went to the 10mm EP with an ND filter. At first I thought the focuser was faulty but I soon realised that the magnification of the EP and scope combination was stronger than I was used to and I was looking at the heart of the moon which was bright enough to wash out most features at first. Slewing to a limb allowed me to refine focus and, well, wow! Roll on some more stable seeing and a newer or older moon. The detail visible around the limb was much stronger than I am accostomed to. I can't wait to get the Sony a6300 on it.

Afet a while exploring Luna, I slewed round to the west and hit on Saturn for my first look at this target this year. Too close to a neighbours roof for much detail but, I can see that, once conditions are better, I will be able to discern much more.


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