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Cave Nebula


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I have been trying to process this image for years and could never do it.  It reprsented a long time and a lot of effort so I figured I should get it done.  This was capture a couple fo years ago with Televue np101is with .8x reducer and the STT-8300.  I don't remember how much data there was, but probably 20-25 hours in 30min subs.  I didn't really do anything different than I did a million times over before--yet somehow I have achieved a result that I don't feel to bad about making permanent and keeping since I do not really have a mind to shoot this again in narrowband.   I am looking forward to shooting this target in LRGB (maybe with some Ha in the red channel only), though. 

Image is still a little "cloudy".  I did not spend an inordinate amount of time trying to perfect it.  that is probably a good thing as I tend to process an image into the trash can.  It could use a "cleansing" though.  Kind of like the TV commercial for Claritin (substitute your favorite anti-histamine)--where you watch the commercial and think the sunny day is fine until they peel that thin film off the camera lens and the FOV becomes crystal clear.  Does that tool have a name, I wonder!😆



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20 minutes ago, alan potts said:

A beautiful natural image, I dare say for some people it is not in your face enough but it is really nice to this type of image, maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.


Thanks Alan.  It has taken me a long time to learn that "less is more", and to "leave 10% of the image on the table"...er...on the screen...in the camera...in the scope...that one comes out a bit awkward, but its wise words none the less I learned from Olly Penrice.  For cars it would be "leave a gear in reserve".  I don't always abide by the philosophy, but I like it even when I fail to notice that I have violated its tenants.


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