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Which Camera for H-alpha Imaging

Mandy D

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I've just bought a Daystar Solar Scout 60mm DS for H-alpha imaging of the Sun. I am now looking for a suitable camera to use with it. I know I could use my DSLR, but for H-alpha that is not going to give best results, so am looking for a dedicated monochrome imaging camera. I have identified the ZWO ASI178MM as a possibility that fits my budget and has a large enough (I think) sensor to image the entire Solar disc if I use a 0.5 focal reducer which will give me a total focal length of 465 mm.

Does anyone have any experience of this camera in this application, or know if it will be suitable? I know it does not have an IR blocking filter, which I understand is an advantage for H-alpha. The spec is available here:






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Hi Mandy,

I use the ASI178MM with my Lunt 60 Ha solar scope and with a focal length of 500mm the full disc just fits on the sensor. There are no Newton's Rings effects either which is good, although they are quite evident if I use a 2.5 x Powermate. The Powermate added no extra detail anyway as the 178 camera image scale without it is well matched to the Dawes limit of a 60mm aperture scope. Here's an image I took in May with the 178.



Edited by symmetal
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