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Some help with processing(Andromeda)

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Here are updated process icons. Just before stretching (histogram transformations starting with process 18) you can do a masked stretch where you lower the Target background from 0.125 to 0.014, and the number of iterations from 100 to 15, background clipping from default 0.0005 to 0.0001 - 0.0002.


Good luck

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21 hours ago, wimvb said:

It means that you haven't installed the arcsinh stretch module. I can repost the prkcess without it. But you should consider installing arcsinh stretch, it's really great.


Or the pixinsight forum


Awesome! Weird I searched for that and didn't saw that.

I didn't even knew that we can do such thing with pixinsight! I should've known that before so I could see some different results by people.

This is gonna be so useful for learning, thank you so much for that, really appreciate that!

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