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Telescope+eyepiece for wide nebulas?

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  What is the best combination of telescope and eyepiece to observe objects such as the North America nebula, Gamma cygni nebula or the Veil nebula, in Cygnus?
In this case I mean being able to get a vision of the whole set, not of enlarged parts.
best regards.

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You will need a combination that delivers a true field of view of 3.5 - 4 degrees.

For me this is my Vixen ED 102mm F/6.5 refractor combined with a 31mm Nagler or 40mm Aero ED eyepiece. And a decent UHC or O-III filter helps a lot as well.

Scopes that have a focal length of 500mm - 700mm combined with a 2 inch format eyepiece of 30mm focal length or longer will deliver that very large true field. And a 2 inch format filter of course to enhance the contrast of the nebulosity.

Another combination that would do it would be an ST80 refractor plus a 1.25" 24mm 68 degree eyepiece (eg: the Explore Scientific 24mm 68). Then you can use a 1.25" filter.

Yet another option would be one of the 100mm F/4 newtonians such as the Skywatcher Heritage 100. The eyepiece and filter requirement would be the same as the ST80 refractor.

You could substitute the 24mm 68 degree eyepiece with a 32mm plossl which might keep the cost a little lower. I'd probably try and stick with the 24mm / 68 degree eyepiece with the 100mm F/4 newtonian though.




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Hello again,

Thanks John, with this combination "I'd probably try and stick with the 24mm / 68 degree eyepiece with the 100mm F/4 newtonian though. " how much field can we get?



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