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Transitioning to the more complex

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Greetings everybody!

I have been using the iOptron Skyguider Pro with a DSLR and have been imaging some bright DSOs (m31 etc.) with some Milky Way pictures mixed in. I have started to think about maybe upgrading equipment. To start, I might add guiding to the current set-up or something like a Pole Master to improve exposure time for the SkyGuider Pro. I use the Zenithstar 61 APO for imaging. I am stuck on how to go about progressing to the next level; and due to the potential costs, I don't want to buy equipment that I won't use later.

1. I want to get longer exposures with my current setup; but I also want to look to next year where I might upgrade to a better mount, CMOS camera, and guiding. My picture subject will still continue to be DSOs and nebulae. The SGP would be the travel setup and the following would be the stationary setup:

Desired eventual goal: EQ6-R mount. Stellarview SVX080T-25SV F/6 Triplet for imaging. +auto guiding. cooled CMOS camera.

2. Would you go a guide cam/guide scope route that can be used for both systems? Which combination of scope and camera would you go with if that is even possible?

Is a guide system for both even possible? Forgive my ignorance. I am not sure if a small guide scope that fits within the weight limits of the SGP would work for a larger scope. I have also looked into the Pole Master, but it seems that it doesn't exactly conform to the SGP even with a adapter. I have read of forcing the Pole Master to fit the SGP in a way that might cause it to be rather permanent. I want to be able to use a computer to polar align or guide, but not have to have a computer to use the SGP. So that is why I have not considered the included iPolar for the SGP, because you need a computer then. Also, it wouldn't translate to the permanent rig. I am leaning toward investing in a guide camera/scope and leverage Sharpcap/PHD. That way you have precise polar alignment with the guiding aspect. Where the Polemaster will just give you precise alignment. I understand that you can transition the Polemaster to upgraded equipment, but that applies to the guiding system as well correct? (theoretically, if you could use the same guide scope and camera with the SGP and Z61 as a larger lens)

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

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I don't see why you couldn't move a nice little finder-guider system from the Sky Guider to a more full size mount when you upgrade. If your aim is to continue with essentially shortish FL imaging with an 80mm F6 imaging scope a finder guider will work fine for you.

iOptron make much of the polarscope on the mount you have so do you really need a Polemaster? Once guiding, a reasonable polar alignment is all you need. It doesn't need to be perfect, especially for shortish exposures. (Around 5 minutes.)

FLO have a number of decent-looking finder guiders like this one: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-cameras/zwo-finder-guider-asi120mm-bundle.html  I have no experience of them since I guide with Lodestars and ST80s but they should be good.

You are asking the right questions and planning in a thoughtful way.


Edited by ollypenrice
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Thanks Olly for the insightful recommendations and the supportive words. The guide scope and camera are actually the combination I was thinking of. (found through research) It looks like the SkyGuider Pro could handle the weight.

The issue with the built in polar scope of the SkyGuider Pro (not the iPolar included but just the basic scope) is that it can be pretty unprecise. I have obtained reasonable exposures without guiding/precise polar alignment of around 1"+ but might want longer exposures.

So, just to confirm, if I went with the combination provided in the link, this could be used in conjunction with the Stellarview SVX080T-25SV F/6 or an even larger scope with focal lengths of 700mm-1000mm+? Or would I need a bigger guiding scope?


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21 hours ago, Ronclarke said:

I use a finder/guider on my SW 150PDS (FL 750) but have also used it without a problem on my late MN190 (FL 1000) and of coarse on my ED80. Works a treat!


You didn't mention which guide scope you used.

So the small 280mm finder scope would work with a larger imaging scope with a 1000mm+ focal length?

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On 17/07/2019 at 17:35, cmid21 said:

So, just to confirm, if I went with the combination provided in the link, this could be used in conjunction with the Stellarview SVX080T-25SV F/6 or an even larger scope with focal lengths of 700mm-1000mm+? Or would I need a bigger guiding scope?

I use an ASI120mc with an Orion Mini Guide Scope for guiding a SW200p on an NEQ6 mount.  It seems to do the job, so I wouldn't think you'd have a problem.


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