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First sight of jupiter and it's moons


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After starting to really enjoy observing using binoculars during the winter, I've not been out since some of my favourite targets disappeared. Tonight though, as I was driving home from work, I couldn't help but pull over and point my Sky Safari 6 app at what I thought was jupiter. It turned out to indeed be, and with my opticron adventurer 10x50's tucked away in the boot I was rewarded with a fantastic view of not only the gas giant, but also two pin pricks of light surrounding her, of course being a couple of moon's in attendance... Possibly three. I don't know which of them they were, but I thought it was fantastic to be able to see in such clarity through my relatively inexpensive bins. Safe to say I'm looking forward to some more short summer night observing. 


Edited by MaHa
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Nice one Mark.  I use my 10x50s more than anything else... I often feel the same at the end of the winter when all those great targets vanish and the sky remains blue for what feels like the entire night..

Dark skies are on their way!

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Hi Mark, I definitely prefer winter, but I'm glad I gave the warmer 'bluer' nights like you say, a chance! 

What 10x50's do you use? I have my Opticron Adventurer WP's, and both the 8x40 and 10x50 Olympus DPS-I.. They're all great, and I feel its all I really want or need. 

I'd considered buying an astrophotography setup, but I think I've decided to stick to scanning the constellations with my binoculars.. Its just more fun! 

Cheers, Mark. 


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3 hours ago, MaHa said:

Hi Mark, I definitely prefer winter, but I'm glad I gave the warmer 'bluer' nights like you say, a chance! 

What 10x50's do you use? I have my Opticron Adventurer WP's, and both the 8x40 and 10x50 Olympus DPS-I.. They're all great, and I feel its all I really want or need. 

I'd considered buying an astrophotography setup, but I think I've decided to stick to scanning the constellations with my binoculars.. Its just more fun! 

Cheers, Mark. 


I have the Olympus dpsi too, and a pair of 11x70 Opticrons. The Olympus are  Great bins for the price and under dark skies they really do perform well. I was looking at a pair of 8x30s for really wide views but I think the 40s might be next ..

I've considered AP a few times but, yeah, just having a casual look round and picking out some nice clusters is all I really do... What I can't see with the bins I grab with the ST80..


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Nice one Mark. Well I can absolutely recommend the oly 8x40's.. You don't need me to tell you how well their big brother performs.. Total bargain! 😉👀


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Hi Mark / @MaHa.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, Jupiter's Moons app will show you Galilean moons positions. Saturn's Moons app is also available.  Both apps show you the views in 'real-time' past, present, future. 

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3 hours ago, Philip R said:

Hi Mark / @MaHa.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, Jupiter's Moons app will show you Galilean moons positions. Saturn's Moons app is also available.  Both apps show you the views in 'real-time' past, present, future. 

Thanks Philip, very useful info 😁

Thank you, Mark. 

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