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Hi, ill health led me to sell my equipment a few years ago. I am now able to return. I have been checking out the Meade LX90 8"  trotting out at around £1740 and the celestron NexStar Evelution 8 HD with starsence at around £2445.


I am not interested in company bashing, I genuinely would like your opinions on what I would be getting for the extra money with the Celestron. To be honest I can not see any real benefit but my knowlage is limited.

Looking forward to your replies.










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I've never owed a Meade scope but I have owned a few Celestron SCT style optics. Currently have an 8 inch Edge HD and every pleased with it. I use it for photography with its flat focal plane and cameras DX and smaller  formats.

Keep an eye on the classified section here and UKAB&S...

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I am not familiar with the Meade or its spec but the Edge HD has a built-in field flattener which AFAIK is of more use to advanced astrophotographers than to those who want a scope for visual or for imaging Jupiter.  The Evolution mount is very nice and has wifi  and a built-in battery - alternatives are the cheaper mount of the SE (not bundled with Edge) and the very stable (and heavy) fork mount of the CPC800, to name just two. The basic C8 SE is a lot cheaper than the Meade.

The Starsense is a nice accessory (I have one) and saves some tiresome alignment when you set up. It also has some handy observing lists in the handset.  Worth considering especially if the bundle on offer is saving you some of the £300 price.  It has to be said that GPS (built into the CPC800) also halves the labour of setup, reducing it to just pointing the scope at a couple of objects and synchronizing.

I hope this helps.

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