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c8 edge ,13mm baader modular ep and baader 2.25 x anygood for observing planets (jupiter/saturn)

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hi all, always done astro and dso as ive always seemed to have struggled/been disapointed with observing,so just wondered if the above setup would be any good for observing planetary(jupiter/saturn),not been used to observing so got the following fov,but doesnt really mean that much to me,would i see plenty of detail or not,any comments suggestions really appreciated




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I dont think you will need the barlow lens with Jupiter at it's current altitude from the UK. 156x (the 13mm eyepiece on it's own) will show Jupiter pretty well assuming that your scope is cooled and collimated. 352x is really far, far too much magnification for this target under these conditions.

Saturn can usually bear a bit more power but even so I'd make 200-250x you max with that one, to see the sharpest views.


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Depends on seeing conditions where you are observing from, scope cooling and collimation and how long you observe for. After 30 mins or so all other factors being decent then you should get some decent details - about as much as the image you posted shows perhaps ?

My 100mm refractor has been showing those sorts of views for the past hour or so but Jupiter is getting a bit low now so the contrast and detail is diminishing for me. It will be a bit lower still from Doncaster.

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