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Hi, anyone experienced issues after approx 2 mins of guiding when the graph starts expanding and then eventually loses the  tracking star. works great for the first 2 mins then goes bananas!

NEQ6 pro mount, using CMOS QHY5L driver, on mount - all connects fine, focus is good mount is exactly polar aligned on a pier using QHY polemaster.

Using windows 10 on a MS surface book 

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same mount and camera I use , and no ive not seen this happen , I guide all night with little problem.

I do use EQmod , and dont use the extra guiding cable , maybe this is the problem ?

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Hi, works ok on win 8.1 and have had this happen but only way to cure my issue was to totally remove phd2 and re-install and do a guilding assist and then check again. it sorted my up/down graph issue. make sure the guidescope specs good. try it unless you already have. ton

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Hi Steve_Mitch

Did PHD2 Calibrate successfully in about 10 to 15 steps per axis ?

That would show that the mount and PHD2 are communicating correctly.

Are you using exposures between 1 and 3 seconds ?

Try running the Guide Assistant for about 2 minutes (Tools/Guide Assistant) and accept the suggested settings.

Does it indicate you have a lot of Dec Backlash ?

That might explain why you lost the star.

Post a Guide Log from a session that includes a Calibration, usually in the PHD2 folder, eg  "PHD2_Guidelog_2019-06-28_224343. txt", that will help show what's happening.



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I now have a worse problem after  installing EQMOD, PHD2 wont calibrate, I just get an amber dotted line and box when selecting a star and it won't track or produce any graphs at all. Tried reinstalling PHD2 still no success. Its connected as I can slew the mount through Sky X and EQMOD. I even tried going back to the old set up with direct connection from Sky X and using the on camera set up I used previously and I get the same problem, no calibration and an amber dotted line and square box?


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This is so typical. 

You had PHD2 working, and it probably only needed some tuning. 

Now for some reason you've added EQMOD to the setup, and now it doesn't work at all. 

You will now have to discover how to set up EQMOD to work with your mount.

Keep it simple, and one step at a time. 


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