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3 years ago I tried to capture M92 and never got enough data, I tried again last year and failed, well this year I wanted to prove to myself that despite the lack of Astro darkness I could still grab some images. This was captured on the 20th and 21st June 2019, the shortest nights of the year, not a great deal of data but the best considering the circumstances. I knew there was some colour to the stars but most examples I looked at never showed any, Thanks to my mate Peter and his explanation of the importance of G2V calculations, I have managed to grab a little. Thanks again for the guidance from my mate Mark who is always there to help me with my processing.

I deliberately like to offset some of my images as it makes a change from face on.

Its far from perfect, and the guiding on my mount still needs work, but as M92 can be fairly bland compared to M13, at least I managed to get some star colours visible.

Here's the Bumf: -
Messier 92 (also known as M92, M 92, or NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. It was discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1777, then published in the Jahrbuch during 1779. The cluster was independently rediscovered by Charles Messier on March 18, 1781 and added as the 92nd entry in his catalogue. M92 is at a distance of about 26,700 light-years away from Earth.

Imaging telescope or lens:GSO 10" f/8 RC Truss, Imaging camera:Moravian G2-8300 Mark II

Mount:iOptron CEM120EC, Guiding telescope or lens:GSO 10" f/8 RC Truss

Guiding camera:Starlight Xpress Lodestar Autoguider X2

Software:PixInsight Core version 1.8,  Adobe Photoshop CC 2018,  PHD 2 Guiding Phd 2.6.3

Filters:Chroma Green 2" unmounted,  Chroma Blue 2" unmounted,  Chroma Red 2" unmounted

Accessories:Celestron OAG,  Pegasus Astro Ultimate Power Box,  Moravian Instruments EFW-2S-7 MK II Filter Wheel

Resolution: 1200x901

Dates:June 20, 2019,  June 21, 2019

Chroma Blue 2" unmounted: 8x399" -20C bin 1x1
Chroma Green 2" unmounted: 8x300" -20C bin 1x1
Chroma Luminance 2" unmounted: 8x300" -20C bin 1x1
Chroma Red 2" unmounted: 8x348" -20C bin 1x1

Integration: 3.0 hours

Darks: ~30

Flats: ~23

Bias: ~100

Avg. Moon age: 18.20 days

Avg. Moon phase: 87.07%

Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 5.00

Mean SQM: 19.51

Temperature: 8.00

Astrometry.net job: 2759252

RA center: 259.319 degrees

DEC center: 43.237 degrees

Pixel scale: 1.542 arcsec/pixel

Orientation: 269.581 degrees

Field radius: 0.321 degrees

Locations: Home Observatory, Coven, South Staffs., United Kingdom

Data source: Backyard



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