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Excellent photograph Anthony1979! I cannot wait to see more :) I've never actually imaged a star field like this.

If you don't mind me making a recommendation, you might check your CCD spacing or focus because it appears to be just a hair out of focus :) Excellent job though!


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12 hours ago, Anthony1979 said:

What do you mean by spacing

I apologize, I was assuming you might be using refractor with a reducer or flattener between your camera and your focuser. There is a unforgiving space between your reducer or flattener and your camera that has to be exact or it might always give you blurry stars. You can tell if you need any extra spacers by looking at your corner stars and seeing if they appear to have little tails pointing in or out. 

Since you are using a reflector there's nothing like that from what I know. I am not experienced in reflectors so please forgive me for intruding 😛


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