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Light Pollution Filters with a Monochrome Camera/Filter Wheel

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I have a question that I hope someone can provide some insight on.   I have been reading a lot of people's recommendations for Light Pollution Filters to use with OSC cameras or DSLRs.  I live near the city where light pollution is definitely a concern.  My question is....is it also recommended to use light pollution filters between the telescope and a monochrome camera/filter wheel (ie: ASI1600MM Pro) or do the filters (ie: Optolong, Baader, etc) remove the light pollution?  Are there any disadvantages to using light pollution filters when working with a filter wheel (LRGBSHO)? 


Thanks in advance for your insight.


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With a mono camera I'd put the LP filter in the wheel as your "L" filter. You won't need it for NB, and depending on the cut-off points it could attenuate your NB signal, especially [SII] could be affected and [OIII]. With RGB, again if you have it ahead of your wheel it will interfere with the balance of R,G, and B, possibly even knocking one out.

With RGB, the filters themselves will cut out some of the LP, as I found when imaging from the London suburbs.

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