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First year and a half in AP


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It has been a year and a half now since starting my journey in AP. Using a standard Canon 7D and 400mm lens so far all on a SW NEQ6 mount. Will one day upgrade to dedicated camera and scope but family comes first at the moment (JUST!). Learnt a load from people on here, so thanks for all the help :) Here are a few of my shots taken over this time. Hope you like.



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Time to make yourself an Astrobin account, I think! Even if I include all the landscape stuff I was doing before I got into deep-sky, I only have about 16 images I'd show to other people. And that's over much more than a year.

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Well done - a good 18 months.  As I am sure you have come to realise, you have to make the most of every opportunity in the UK since we can go for a couple of months sometimes between imaging opportunities.  Visual astronomy is less demanding as you can cloud dodge what to observe.

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