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Patience and good weather. Seriously though, you can do a decent enough job on the moon with just that and taking still images. You may want to think about a PC to record video for both moon and planets and use the live view 5x zoom feature to get closer to 1:1 resolution. If you try and record video using just the camera and no PC, it's going to convert the entire image on the sensor to 1920x1080 in a MOV(?) format, significantly reducing the quality of your captured data.

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3 hours ago, Ged73 said:

Just bought a P200, with Canon 6D, T Ring & barlow Adapter/eyepiece. Is there anything else i need for good moon/planet shots? Thanks

i assume you have some colimation tools?

In general planetary imaging is all about getting the highest possible frame rate so i would imaging you might want to move beyond the 6D relatively quickly.

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