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sh2-132 Hubble Palette


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Another data set that I have been working on for a LONG time.  I just could never achieve a satisfactory result.  The funny think is, I really didn't do anything different than I usually do--I guess its tiny increments that really make the difference.  I found this image difficult to process-the palette for me tends toward the brown, not the ricj golden hues often seen in other attempts.  I finally found some golden light.  The most problematic ting for me were the tiny stars in the core--they are little more than a pixel wide in the core, and are embedded in SII emissions, giving them red rims if one is not careful.  On my lap tops this image is quite dark, but on my iPhone and IPAD it looks just right.  

Anyway--here is sh2-132 with Televue np101is with .8x reducer and STT 8300 with 3nm Astrodon filters.  This is an HaSHO composition

Ha:  18 30min

SII: 13 30min

OIII: 15 30min


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6 minutes ago, carastro said:

Great job Rodd.  You found a lot of Oiii/Sii, I found bags of Ha but it overwhelmed my Oxygen on the heard.


Thanks Carol.  Yes, OIII wasn't my problem, but SII was bit more scare other than the bridge.


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