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Decent viewing for a change.

maw lod qan

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Went back to my oldest's daughters for my grandson's high school graduation and took a long my 8" dob. 210 miles further North from my house. 

This morning the moon was very good. I took more time enjoying the different details across many areas than I have in quite a while. The beating our neighbor has endured over time is incredible!

Turning my attention to Jupiter, its banding was very good despite so much light from the moon.

Saturn took the prize. I couldn't believe with it so near the moon I was able to see some banding on its surface and make out the Cassini division in the rings. I only wish I could get an image of the details my eyes could make out, but using a single shot Canon I fail.

Two of its moons were showing faintly adding to its splendor.

I started at about 4am and when i came in  at 6:30, the glow of the sun was showing to the East. Venus was shining brightly in the orange glow that announced the coming day.

It made the effort of taking the scope out of my observatory and even making a make do stand for it worth while.


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